Go low-latency patters


Kirill Cherniavskiy for GopherCon Singapore 2023

This talk

  • See some code examples
  • Analyze it with different tools
  • Find problems and try to optimize


  • Prefer readability where possible
  • Prefer simple code, not complex
  • Do not over-optimize without need
  • Have a good reason and proof to optimize the code


A time delay between the cause and the effect.

(c) Wikipedia

Common latency issues

  • IO operations
  • Syncronizations
  • Heap allocations

Real life allocation issue

Causes GC to eat 30% of CPU time

import "math/big"

type State struct {
    // skipping fields
    index *big.Int

func (s *state) UpdateIndex(val *big.Int) {
    s.index = new(big.Int).Set(val)

The fix

import "math/big"

type State struct {
    // skipping fields
    index big.Int

func (s *state) UpdateIndex(val *big.Int) {


Which tools I did use for this examples?

$ go build -gcflags '-m' # simple escape analysis
$ go build -gcflags '-m=2' # more verbose analysis
$ go build -gcflags '-l' # disable inlining
$ go build -gcflags '-S' # print assembly listing
$ go tool objdump -s main.main -S example.com > main.go.s





  • Interfaces
  • Generics
  • Inlines
  • Pointers


Be careful with interface function parameters — arguments for these parameters are often moved to heap before passing to the callee function.

Interface structure

graph TD param-->*value param-->itable itable-->type itable-->funcs

Minimal reproducible heap escape.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var x int = 256

Sometimes it’s not obvoius when the argument escapes to heap

Why 256?

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var x1, x2 int = 1, 256 // 0x01, 0xFF+1

Escape analysis output.

./main.go:7:13: ... argument does not escape
./main.go:7:14: x1 escapes to heap
./main.go:8:13: ... argument does not escape
./main.go:8:14: x2 escapes to heap

Output of objdump.

MOVL $0x1, AX			
CALL runtime.convT64(SB)	
LEAQ 0x6e9b(IP), CX		
MOVQ CX, 0x18(SP)		
MOVQ AX, 0x20(SP)		
LEAQ 0x18(SP), AX		
MOVL $0x1, BX			
NOPL 0(AX)			
CALL fmt.Println(SB)	

Go deeper

func convT64(val uint64) (x unsafe.Pointer) {
	if val < uint64(len(staticuint64s)) {
		x = unsafe.Pointer(&staticuint64s[val])
	} else {
		x = mallocgc(8, uint64Type, false)
		*(*uint64)(x) = val

Only x2 is allocated on heap.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var x1, x2 int = 1, 256 // 0x01, 0xFF+1

Putting a word-sized-or-less non-pointer type in an interface value doesn’t allocate

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var one int = 1


MOVUPS X15, 0x18(SP)	
LEAQ 0x6ea5(IP), DX	
MOVQ DX, 0x18(SP)	
LEAQ 0x36f71(IP), SI	
MOVQ SI, 0x20(SP)	
LEAQ 0x18(SP), AX	
MOVL $0x1, BX		
CALL fmt.Println(SB)	


MOVUPS X15, 0x18(SP)		
MOVL $0x1, AX			
CALL runtime.convT64(SB)	
LEAQ 0x6e6b(IP), DX		
MOVQ DX, 0x18(SP)		
MOVQ AX, 0x20(SP)		
LEAQ 0x18(SP), AX		
MOVL $0x1, BX			
CALL fmt.Println(SB)	

How to avoid allocations?

(if we have it and if we need it)

Interface parameter example

type Inter interface { // like fmt.Stringer
	Int64() int64

type inter64 int64 // implementation

func (i inter64) Int64() int64 {
	return int64(i)

func toInt(i Inter) int64 {
	return i.Int64()

Exact type parameter

type Inter interface {
	Int64() int64

type inter64 int64

func (i inter64) Int64() int64 {
	return int64(i)

func toInt64(i inter64) int64 {
	return i.Int64()

Argument in register

func main() {
	i64_1 := inter64(1) // MOVL $0x1, AX
	_ = toInt64(i64_1)  // CALL main.toInt64(SB)

Generic function

type Inter interface {
	Int64() int64

type inter64 int64

func (i inter64) Int64() int64 {
	return int64(i)

func toIntGeneric[T Inter](i T) int64 {
	return i.Int64()

No escape for int64 shape

LEAQ main..dict.toIntGeneric[main.inter64](SB), AX	
MOVL $0x1, BX						
CALL main.toIntGeneric[go.shape.int64](SB)

GC shape

The GC shape of a type means how that type appears to the allocator / garbage collector. It is determined by its size, its required alignment, and which parts of the type contain a pointer.

Inline optimization

When function call with interface parameter is inlined, it bypasses virtual table lookup. Compiler may not move to heap its arguments.

Inline rules

  • the number of AST nodes must less than 80;
  • doesn’t contain closures, defer, recover, select;
  • isn’t prefixed by go:noinline;
  • isn’t prefixed by go:uintptrescapes;
  • function has body;
type Calc interface {
	Add(int) int

type calcInt int

func (c *calcInt) Add(n int) (sum int) {
	sum = int(*c) + int(n)
	*c = calcInt(sum)

Let’s see the difference between interface parameter vs generic parameter.

Interface parameter

func main() {
	var c1 calcInt
	_ = sum(&c1, 1, 2, 3)

func sum(calc Calc, vals ...int) (sum int) {
	for _, val := range vals {
		sum = calc.Add(val)

Implementation call was inlined

; var c1 calcInt
MOVQ $0x0, 0x18(SP)	
; _ = sum(&c1, 1, 2, 3)
MOVUPS X15, 0x70(SP)	
MOVUPS X15, 0x78(SP)	
MOVQ $0x1, 0x70(SP)	
MOVQ $0x2, 0x78(SP)	
MOVQ $0x3, 0x80(SP)	
; ... range loop jumps
; sum = calc.Add(val)
LEAQ 0x18(SP), AX		
CALL main.(*calcInt).Add(SB)
; ... the rest

Generic function

func main() {
	var c2 calcInt
	_ = sumGeneric(&c2, 1, 2, 3)

func sumGeneric[T Calc](calc T, vals ...int) (sum int) {
	for _, val := range vals {
		sum = calc.Add(val)

No inline for generic func

; var c1g calcInt
LEAQ 0x4b86(IP), AX		
CALL runtime.newobject(SB)	
MOVQ AX, 0x90(SP)		
; _ = sumGeneric(&c1g, 1, 2, 3)
; ... range loop jumps
; sum = calc.Add(val)
LEAQ main..dict.sumGeneric[*main.calcInt](SB), DX	
LEAQ 0xfffffef6(IP), SI					

Pros and cons

Type Allocs Dyn. dispatch Inline
Exact No No Yes
Interface Inline Inline Yes
Generics Shapes Yes No


  • Check if interface could be inlined
  • Maybe another design?
  • Try using generic method
  • Use func with actual types


  • Assigning a pointer to a struct field
  • Returning a pointer

Assign to the field

type foo struct {
	f *int

func (b *foo) setDefault() {
	var one int = 1 // moved to heap: one
	b.f = &one

func (b *foo) setF(f *int) {
	b.f = f

Both values are moved to heap.

func main() {
	var b1 foo

	var b2 foo
	var f int = 2 // moved to heap: f

Separate alloc and assignment

func main() {
	var target foo
	target.f = new(int) // call before critical path

	target.setVal(2) // call on performance critical path

type foo struct {
	f *int

func (b *foo) setVal(v int) {
	*b.f = v

If you prefer pointers parameters.

type foo struct {
	f *int

func (b *foo) setValPtr(v *int) {
	*b.f = *v


type foo struct {
    x int

func newFoo(x int) *foo {
    return &foo{x} // escapes to heap

Set the value

type foo struct {
    x int

func (f *foo) set(x int) *foo {
    f.x = x
    return f

func main() {
    f := new(foo).set(42) // no allocation

Returning a pointer

  • Parameter pointer
  • Method receiver pointer

Types in math/big are a good example of a design that avoid redundant allocations.

No allocations:

import "math/big"

func main() {
	one := new(big.Int).SetInt64(1)
	two := new(big.Int).SetInt64(2)
	three := new(big.Int).SetInt64(3)
	var sum big.Int
	sum.Add(&sum, one).Add(&sum, two).Add(&sum, three)

How to create similar types?

type SmallInt [1]int32

func (i *SmallInt) Set(x int32) *SmallInt {
	i[0] = x
	return i

func (i *SmallInt) Add(x, y *SmallInt) *SmallInt {
	i[0] = x[0] + y[0]
	return i

How to bypass allocation

type Child int

type Parent struct {
	C *Child

func (p *Parent) SetChild(c *Child) {
	p.C = c
; c := Child(1)
LEAQ 0x4ef9(IP), AX		
CALL runtime.newobject(SB)	
MOVQ $0x1, 0(AX)		
; p.SetChild(&c)
LEAQ 0x20(SP), AX			
NOPL 0(AX)(AX*1)			
CALL main.(*Parent).SetChild(SB)	

Dirty hack

func (p *Parent) SetChildUnsafe(c *Child) {
	p.C = (*Child)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(c)))

func noescape(p unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
	x := uintptr(p)
	return unsafe.Pointer(x ^ 0)
; c := Child(2)
MOVQ $0x2, 0x10(SP)	
; p.SetChildUnsafe(&c)
LEAQ 0x18(SP), AX			
LEAQ 0x10(SP), BX			
CALL main.(*Parent).SetChildUnsafe(SB)	


It could be dangerous — use only if the child object is not accessible outside of the parent’s stack frame.

Cleanup after this

func dangerousOperation(p *Parent) {
    defer p.SetChild(nil)
    var c Child
    // work with parent and child


  • Verify escape analysis
  • Allocate once, use many
  • Return only external pointers
  • Do not store pointers from outside

Thank you!


