Managin Secrets

Secrets provide a secure way to store sensitive information in your bot configuration. These values can be accessed but not modified from the bot specification. For the cloud version, secrets are managed through the settings tab on the bot’s page. In the self-hosted version, additional configuration is required for the secrets provider.

Accessing Secrets

Secret variables can be accessed via interpolators in various parts of your bot configuration. For instance, to include an authorization header in a webhook:

- on:
    message: test
    - message:
        text: Ok
      method: POST
        Authorization: "Bearer ${secret.apikey}"
        value: "${state.value}"

In this example, the Authorization header is set with the value of the apikey secret.

Using Go Templates

When working with Go templates, secrets can be accessed through the .Secrets object:

  template: go
  text: "Secret value is {{.Secrets.Val}}"

In this case, the template retrieves and displays the value of the Val secret.

Note: Ensure that secrets containing sensitive information are handled securely and accessed only when necessary.

Explore the use of secrets for secure configuration in your bot.